Ergonomic Laptop Setup Tips

Ergonomic Laptop Setup Tips

James Smith|
James Smith|

Laptops are excellent devices, but using a laptop all day can be equivalent to earning a ticket for sore wrists, stiff neck, and aching back. 

Have you ever been caught up slouching over your desk, exhausted by a long hour, or working on a laptop, looking like a human question mark? 

Yes, that's your body crying out for help. No matter whether you are working from home, in an office, or turning your kitchen table into your HQ? 

Optimizing your laptop setup will keep those aches and pains at bay.

Here’s a list of tips to set your laptop for better:

1. Position Your Laptop At Eye Level

First, your laptop should be at eye level with your screen. You are probably craning your neck to see it if it sits directly on your desk. That's a surefire way to strain your muscles and make you feel like you've aged 20 years.

Everything changes with a laptop riser for the desk

Now, your screen is lifted, so you look straight ahead instead of down, keeping your neck neutral. With that small change, you can avoid headaches and neck strain and improve your posture. 

Get a SODI adjustable laptop stand if you want a product that maintains such high comfort levels. It is sleek and sturdy and keeps your workspace sharp.


Ergonomic Laptop Setup with laptop computer riser


2. Use An External Keyboard And Mouse

Are you still huddled over that built-in keyboard in your laptop? It's time for an upgrade. Using the keyboard and mouse somewhere else means both items can be at a distance, thus providing an ergonomic typing position.


Ergonomic Laptop Setup with wireless keyboard


Go for a wireless keyboard for an even better range of motion. The foldable keyboard with a touchpad is perfect if keeping a desk clean and uncluttered is your thing—your wrists and shoulders will thank you. It keeps your arms in a natural position, reduces strain, and rocks it out, making typing much more comfortable.


3. Hold Elbows At 90-degree Angle

Your ergonomic laptop setup's design will also depend on how you hold your arms. The forearms should be parallel to the floor, while the elbows should be kept at a 90-degree angle. 

If they are placed too high or too low, the muscles will have to bear extra strain. You need to adjust the height of your chair based on this. Proper chair placement would enable the back to support adequately and reduce tiredness throughout the day. 

Roll up a towel or buy a lumbar cushion if the chair won't help; keep the lumbar curve of the spine in its natural form.

4. Take Breaks

Nonstop laptop use will challenge the highest-quality equipment setup. Your body needs to be moved. You should stand up and stretch your legs for five minutes every half hour at most. 

Take a brief walk within your room once every thirty minutes. By taking brief sitting breaks, your body receives better blood flow, and the activity eases muscle tightness while keeping your energy levels strong. 

Set phone reminders or use Pomodoro timers when you perform activities that cause you to lose track of time. The simplest action can yield excellent results.


5. Put Your Feet Up

Your feet need to be raised correctly to support proper laptop working posture. Having your feet slightly elevated is the correct position to use a laptop, which enhances blood flow while reducing strains on your lower back. 

If you want memory relief from laptop work, you can use a shoebox as an affordable footrest alternative. When you work on your laptop, keep your knees spaced in front of your body instead of clustering them close together like on an aircraft. 


6. Fix Your Lighting and Reduce Screen Glare

Lighting can create discomfort while working. You tire your eyes when you need to look at your computer in intense light or reflections. Adjust the computer screen brightness to match ambient lighting conditions. Open your monitor at an ideal angle to avoid screen reflections through windows. 

Of course, all that blue light from our screens contributes irritatingly to eyestrain, so invest in a pair of blue-light-filtering glasses or at least turn on night mode on your laptop during the evenings!


7. Keep Your Workspace Free Of Clutter

Also, it is better to designate a spot on your desk for things you need easy access to. Stretching for a pen, a pad, or a coffee cup puts strain on that shoulder. Anything you frequently use should be placed at arm's reach so that you can sit comfortably and relax. 

These little changes go a long way in how your body feels at the end of the day. 


8. Comfort Of Your Workspace With A Personal Touch

Sure, desk work may feel tedious and draining, but giving your workstation a little kick may only enhance your mood and productivity. Be it a houseplant, a cool table lamp, or even that inspiring quote that carries you through the day, the workspace will be your inspiration zone.

9. Use a Document Holder

If you deal with papers while working on the laptop, a document holder will keep you from straining your neck unnecessarily. Instead of looking down at papers, the document holder will keep the papers at eye level, right next to the computer screen.

This simple tool ensures you maintain good posture and do not make unnecessary movements.


10. Buy A Chair—Because Your Back Deserves It

A good chair plays a role equal to the best setup. Your back will bear undesirable strain when you sit in a chair that feels uncomfortable or lacks support for your lower back.

Investing in an ergonomic chair will enhance work tasks while building better posture through passive alignment.


ergonomic laptop setup tips


Final Thoughts

Creating an ergonomic workspace with a laptop involves more than just fitting in with your surroundings. It means configuring every component to make working on your body easy. 

Have a laptop riser for desk, use an external keyboard from SODI, keep your elbows right, and take regular breaks!

Your laptop setup will become a forgiving space instead of a torturous one. So adjust your setup: take good support while seated; work like a pro, and your body will thank you. You will feel it.


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